A Holistic Approach to Wellness and Healing

To learn more about the different energy healing techniques offered at the virtual wellness clinic read below or schedule a complimentary call.

Reiki Usui + Crystal Healing | Channelling Life Force Energy

Reiki is a Japanese energy healing technique used for stress reduction and promoting wellness. This form of healing allows for stagnant energy to be released, which may manifest as physical or emotional discomfort. Reiki sends life force energy into the affected areas creating release, rest and an opportunity for healing. In this session we’ll channel life force energy to you and work with healing crystals to activate and support your innate ability to heal while calming the mind, body and soul.

Multidimensional Therapy | Healing with the Heart Chakra

The goal of multidimensional therapy is the ascension and integration of all our mental and emotional bodies. Seeking to help people to rescue parts of themselves that were lost along the way bringing the essence to the origin, based on the energy of love and forgiveness. The heart is the gateway to the totality of divine love, allowing this reconnection with all the divinity of our being. Multidimensional therapy allows us to release and purify ourselves of the burdens that are no longer needed for our evolution, welcoming and acknowledging through love and forgiveness all learning. It is a process of self healing, spiritual restoration and reconnection with your own divinity.

Reading the Akashic Records | Accessing the Soul’s Library

The Akashic Records are like the library of the existence of the universe and all the souls that inhabit it. Reading these records can bring us closer to our Masters, higher self, spiritual guides, animal guides, bringing more knowledge, clarity and healing to life itself. We are also able to receive guidance messages and seek answers by accessing our personal soul records (everything that has ever happened to that soul). These messages may be intended to assist in challenging processes but also to stimulate and guide personal growth through this contact with our spiritual family and access to our soul’s reasons for being on this journey.

ThetaHealing®️ | Transformation with Theta Brain Waves

ThetaHealing®️ is a combination of energy therapy and meditation techniques that can identify, transform and eliminate limiting beliefs (which are negative thoughts understood and defined as truth, which can prevent a person from reaching their goals) from the subconscious mind. Healing negative patterns and transforming relationships.. Whether in relation to love, financial, mental, physical or professional issues, the ThetaHealing® practitioner works to identify the origin of these problems that affect the individual's life, looking for ways to correct them.

Apometry | Psychic Connection with the Seven Bodies

Apometry comes from the greek words, ‘apo’ which means beyond or away from, and ‘metron’ which means measure. This is a technique that conducts the separation, dislocation of the mental and astral body from the physical body beyond time and space, through the usage of the concepts of quantum physics. This separation aims to facilitate the treatment of the seven subtle bodies of which every being is composed of. When using Apometry, the therapist is only a channel, the patient is always completely conscious and actively in control throughout the whole process. Apometry brings cleanse, healing, and harmony in three different levels: identifying blockages, or obsessors, treating those, and balancing the main chakras.

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